Relaxation techniques affect the organism specifically and systematically and calm down body, spirit and soul. All techniques are effective and easy to learn.
Progressive Muscle Relaxation (Edmund Jacobson)
- Tense and relax systematically, one after the other, different muscle groups
- Conscious awareness and concentration to the feelings/emotions raising from the contra effect
- Optional: imaginary walk through the body in order to deepen the relaxation
- Ideal starting point for exploring the world of relaxation techniques
- Deep relaxation
- Stress- and fear reduction
- Deep, refreshing sleep
- Improved body awareness
- Increased concentration and performance
Autogenic Training (Johannes Heinrich Schultz)
- Based on self-induced imaginations, mental exercises
- Phrases which are linked to specific imaginations
- Optional: affirmations which support the process to reach individual objectives
- Increased quality of life
- Enhanced performance in sport, school and job
- Improved learning and management capabilities
- Stress reduction
- Better immune system
- Enhanced sleep
Mental Training (Focus: goals, performance)
Sport, school, music, profession
Method:- Mental training of movements or activities without practical exercise
- Positive emotions are consciously raised through visualization (thoughts in pictures)
- As much as possible, different senses are incorporated
- Stimulates potentials, reaches objectives/goals
- Supports the confidence and increases performance
- Serenity and relaxation
Mental Training (Focus: Resources)
A comfortable state of deep relaxation allows that the self-healing energy of the body is activated. Scientifically proven effectiveness.
Method:- The introduction accompanies into a relaxed and balanced, yet, energetic and conscious state
- The main part activates own resources through individually tailored suggestions
- The "comeback" process smoothly leads back into daily life
- Supporting weight reduction
- Increasing self-confidence
- Overcoming fears and phobias
- Empowering the immune system
- Elimination of sleeping disorders
- Prevention of burn-out and stress
- Elimination of pain (e.g. migraine)
Fantasy Journey
- Special form of visualization (thoughts in pictures)
- Stories, describing journey, experiences or adventures and which stimulates the power of imagination
- Relaxation
- Improvement of wellbeing
- Increasing the capability to enjoy life
- Empowering the immune system
- Supporting the capability for imaginations
M-A-P (Christian Mörsch)
- Integral relaxation method
- Three principal phases: Calm Down, Relax, Move
- Proven elements of mental training, autogenic training and progressive muscle relaxation ("Relax") will be systematically combined with each other
- This will be framed by a special program to initially prepare and unwind body and spirit ("Calm-Down") and afterwards to prepare again for activity by a muscle-movement-program ("Move")
- Increasing the resistance towards stress
- Improve performance, motivation and creativity
- Preventive empowering the immune system
- Mindfulness and concentration exercises
- Focus with concentration
- Relaxation
- Stress relief
- Serenity
Breathing Techniques
- Awareness exercises focusing on the process of breathing and related tension and relaxation
- Observation and sensing of breathing
- Relaxation
- Improvement of breathing
- Listen to music and increase the awareness of the effect
- Experience the affect of sounds
- Practise music – rhythm, instrument, singing
- Stress Management
- Increasing the capability to enjoy life