To live a life of movement! Movement is essential for the human organism. Which sort of movement is the individual best fitting and most suitable to introduce into the daily routine?
Portable into the daily life → training plan
- Development of better body attentiveness
- Improved recognition of the "early warning system" of the body
- Counter productive to the aging process
- Extends life expectation
- Reduces the risk of falling
- Increase the energy consumption
- Helpful for the health of the bones
- Important instrument of prevention
- Increase happy hormones/joie de vivre
- Body exercises
- Body consciousness exercises
- Combination of breathing and movement
- Mental Training
- Yoga Basics
- Better body attentiveness/self-awareness
- Relaxation & balance
- Self-confidence
- Transferable into daily life

- Actively swinging the Flexi-Bar results in a reactive core training
- Vibrations stimulate a series of unique muscular responses affecting the deep muscles
- Complete muscle chains are trained
- Easy to learn, also suitable for training at home
- Proven German quality – AGR quality seal
- Strength, endurance training
- Increases the metabolism and the heart frequency
- Training of the deep muscles of the core
- Coordination training
- Improves the posture
- Body shaping
- Stabilize the connective tissues
- Back training

The XCO is a tube containing a highly specialized granular substance. The granules move fore and back with every movement. This ensures that the muscles and the connective tissues in and around the muscles experience a special mechanical strain. This special effect is called “Reactive Impact” (Jan Hermans).
A training option which is suitable for outdoor, indoor and group fitness; an intensive, quick to learn, individually adaptable total-body-workout.
Method:- Active movement with the XCO – “Reactive Impact”
- Due to this impact, muscles and connective tissues experience an additional strain
- Easy and quick to learn, also suitable for training at home
- Success of usage is heard and felt
- Safe & for everybody
- Increases strength and endurance of the muscles
- Stabilize the connective tissues
- Increases the resilience of the connective tissues
- Decreases the risk of injuries
- Increase the burning of calories
- Results in body shaping effects

strong body 4 you is a muscle-training with a remarkable style.
While using bar- and dumbbells a variety of movement sequences are practised with a high reality focus. strong body 4 you exercises are based upon sound scientifically recognized training principals. Variations in the movements allow for training on different levels. An effective training program for the whole body.
Exercises to popular music, inspiring and motivating participants of all age.
This effective concept for group-fitness is also applied to personal coaching sessions.
Method:- Variety of movement sequences with bar- and dumbbells
- Warm-Up – prepares the body for action
- Active phase – to improve muscle force and endurance
- Cool-Down – brings the body back to normal
- Constant training stimulation through an 8-weekly changing exercise- and program alteration
- High motivation through top actual music charts
- Maintains/improves performance and physical resilience of the musculoskeletal system
- Prevents problems with body posture, back, osteoporosis, muscular dysbalances and musculoskeletal system
- Maintains/improves muscles while aging
- Stimulates force increase and growths of muscle mass
- Decreases body fat
- Rises body attentiveness/self-awareness
- Improves coordination and stability
The trampoline is like medicine – for body, spirit and soul.
Method:- Different movements like weight shifting, swinging, walking, jogging, jumping
- Muscles, bones, joints and body cells are activated simultaneously – 100% body workout
- The whole body is stimulated by harmonious swinging
- A rhythmic change between weightlessness and gravity
- Endurance and strength training
- A training which carefully treats joints and column vertebrae
- Strong bones, osteoporosis prophylaxis
- Supple joints, healthy veins
- Tensions vanishes
- Balances muscular inequality
- Improves coordination and endurance
- Stimulates the self-consciousness
- Supports the weight reduction
- Let the soul shine
A smooth entry point towards a life with increased body activity – a healthy sport with low risk and for everybody easy to learn, everywhere.
Method:- Speedy walking, in upright position with swinging the arms
- Warm-Up, main part, strength and stretch exercises, relaxation/Cool-Down
- Awareness towards the movement process
- The technique improves step by step and becomes more economic
- Improves the overall condition
- Stimulates the fat burning process, supports weight reduction
- Coping with stress
- Prevention (e.g. back pain)
- Strengthen the immune system
- Slows down the aging process
A variation of walking where the well known sticks of the langlauf sport are used, resulting in an effective total body workout.
Method:- Speedy walking, in upright position and swinging the arm with sticks attached
- Warm-Up, main part, strength and stretch exercises, relaxation/Cool-Down
- Awareness towards the movement process
- The technique improves step by step and becomes more economic
- Improves the overall condition
- Stimulates the fat burning process, supports weight reduction
- Increased blood circulation and relaxation of the muscles (e.g. shoulders, neck)
- Osteoporosis prevention
- Coping with stress
- Prevention (e.g. back pain)
- Strengthen the immune system
- Slows down the aging process